Members of the Board of Directors
- Mr Azeddine Guessous: Chairman of the Board.
- Mr Mohamed Benchaib: Chief Executive Officer.
- Mr Khalid Nasr: Non-Executive Director.
- Mr Brahim Benjelloun -Touimi: Non-Executive Director.
- Mr Justo Luis Salcedo: Independent Director.
- Ms María José Román: Independent Director.
- Ms María Jesús Jiménez: Independent Director.
- Ms Sara Fernandez: Secretary of the Board, non-Director.
Procedure for the Suitability of Directors and Identified Staff
The institution has established the necessary procedures to accurately assess the suitability of both the Board of Directors and identified staff, in accordance with Act 10/2014 of 26 June, concerning the regulation, supervision, and solvency of credit institutions, along with its implementing regulations.
The Appointments and Remuneration Committee formalises this assessment through a detailed report. The process includes analysing the candidate's CV, obtaining the mandatory negative criminal record certificate, completing necessary forms, and gathering any additional information required. This ensures an evaluation of the candidate’s commercial and professional integrity, suitable knowledge and experience, and capacity for effective governance within the entity.
Definition of Identified Staff
According to Article 2 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No 604/2014, staff members who meet any of the qualitative or quantitative criteria outlined in Articles 3 and 4, respectively, are considered to have a significant impact on the institution's risk profile and should be recognised as Identified Staff.
Bank of Africa Europe employs two types of criteria to designate its members as Identified Staff:
- Qualitative criteria based on the responsibility of the position and the individual's capacity to bear risk, as defined in Article 5 of the Delegated Regulation. This includes members who:
- Are part of the Board of Directors
- Serve on the Management Committee
- Lead one of the three business areas
- Head the Risk Management department
- Manage or hold responsibility for independent risk control, regulatory compliance, or internal audit functions.
- Have the authority to approve or veto the introduction of new products, or are part of the New Products Committee
- Leads or is responsible for legal affairs, the integrity of accounting policies and procedures, finance, including taxation and budgeting, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, human resources, remuneration policy, technology, information security, economic analysis, or the management of outsourcing for critical or important functions
- Has managerial responsibilities for any of the risk categories outlined in Articles 79 to 87 of Directive 2013/36/EU or is a voting member of a committee responsible for managing any of those risk categories
- Has the authority or is a voting member of a committee that can make, approve, or veto decisions on credit risk exposures with a nominal amount per transaction that represents 0.5% of the institution's Common Equity Tier 1 capital and is at least €5,000,000
- Manages a team of staff members, each of whom has the authority to commit the institution to transactions, provided that the total sum of these transactions equals or exceeds €5,000,000
- Quantitative criteria, as specified in Article 6 of the Delegated Regulation, apply to staff members who received total remuneration exceeding €750,000 in the previous financial year, and which is equal to or greater than the average remuneration of board members or equivalent bodies and senior management mentioned earlier; and the individual must work in a significant business unit, and the nature of their role must have a considerable impact on the risk profile of that business unit